173. Faithful Parenting: Nurturing Christian Teens with Love and Wisdom


Just a few things I've learned from other wise mamas :)

1) Listen!- Two ears, one mouth. Sometimes listening can be hard…cause IF the communication is open then you hear things you might not want to. BUT bite your tongue and let them speak. Help them to walk through it by hearing them out and reassuring them that no matter what happened you will always love them.(jsut like Jesus loves us!) OF course there will be consequences for certain things- I dont’ want you to think you should just let them tell you crazy stuff and let it go haha Consequences are obvious BUT learning to listen and take in information without trying to fix things or teach things or correct things…it’s a muscle that us mamas need to build. You don’t want your teen to think they can’t tell you anything because they know they will get a lecture on the other end. And ulitimately you want them telling YOU the stuff instead of friends or worse, another friend's safe parent. 

So learn to use those two ears and close the one mouth. 

2)Lead by example! - Be who you say you are. I know this can be hard but don’t say one thing and act another way. Don’t take your kids to church and tell them to live a God honoring life if you are going home and cursing up a storm around them, being inappropriate, yelling/screaming at every little thing, controlling all situations, over eating, watching shows that don’t align with your ‘lifestyle’, verbally abusing your kids OR YOUR hubs!(this one is SO important- we have to be better at honoring our spouses ladies!- that will be for another chat on marriage :) anyway… etc…you get the picture. 

3)Be honest- show them you can be vulnerable and let them into your struggles…not all the gory details but let them know you re human and are trying to be better. Apologize when you hurt them or make mistakes. Own up to your ‘issues’ and show them you are trying to be better! I think that with teens you earn their respect in this way….maybe not outwardly(cause we all know teens don’t give compliments lol) but inwardly they are seeing they can trust you and are safe with you. 

Lastly and most important-

3) Reinforce their identity- teenagers can drive us crazy. They can push us to the edge. They can make us want to quit parenting all together haha(actually I felt more like this in the toddler stage than now- but I know I’m the minority in this thinking) BUT they need to know they are loved, seen and known by us. AND by God. And they can only know these things if you tell them and teach them! 

You are made to be your kiddos mama in these moments beloved child of God!!! Stay connected to Him and let Him lead your every step on this journey called motherhood!!

Remember to get on a free call with me today! I want to help you get breakthrough so that you can feel more alive in your day to day! To help you feel more empowered, equipped and confident!! Check it out here>> thekingdomdaughters.com/coaching

Be encouraged, challenged and blessed today friend!!


174. Do you trust God? Learning how to surrender/submit to God's plans even when we can't see.


172. Faith Bomb Friday Psalms Series :)